Executive Director Message

The information contained in this article is not intended as legal advice and may no longer be accurate due to changes in the law. Consult NHMA's legal services or your municipal attorney.

When this issue of Town & City goes to print on November 1, NHMA staff will be recovering from our Halloween themed annual conference! This was the first year NHMA held the conference in October, and we hope all the local officials, exhibitors, sponsors, and presenters who joined us had a memorable and worthwhile (and somewhat spooky) experience.

Are you ready for another legislative session? Well . . . ready or not, here it comes! The first filing period for LSRs (legislative services requests) came and went in September, and there will be another filing period in November following the election. NHMA government affairs staff are already preparing for the session—and have been since the end of the last session—but, as always, we need your help. We want to remind you of the importance of communicating with your representatives and senator about important issues in your community and legislation that affects municipal government. After the election is a great time to reconnect or introduce yourself to your legislators and to make them aware of NHMA’s Legislative Policies and Principles, which were adopted by the membership in September at the Legislative Policy Conference.

Finally, as we head into 2025, NHMA is proud that implementation of its 2024 – 2027 strategic plan is underway. We have been sharing details about the plan in Town & City and Newslink for the past several months. Take a look at pages 24 and 25 of this issue for NHMA’s strategic priorities for the next three years.

See you in the new year!