Supporting effective municipal government through education, training, advocacy, and legal services since 1941.
Join NHMA Legal Services Counsel Stephen Buckley and Municipal Services Counsel Jonathan Cowal for this year’s A Hard Road to Travel workshop and the debut of our first fully updated publication since 2015!
Join NHMA Legal Services Counsel Stephen Buckley and Municipal Services Counsel Jonathan Cowal for this year’s A Hard Road to Travel workshop and the debut of our first fully updated publication since 2015!
Join us in this informational session hosted by U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen and the New Hampshire Municipal Association to learn more about the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, historic legislation signed into law last year that invests in our nation’s core infrastructure priorities – including roads and bridges, rail, transit, ports, airports, the electric grid, water systems and broadband.
A significant timber removal operation is proposed and the road agent is concerned about damage to the adjacent town road, what can the select board do?
How does the Select Board approve the use of our Class VI Roads by OHRV’s and Snowmobiles?
Under what circumstances can the town agree to plow or maintain a Class VI or Private Road?
The information contained in this article is not intended as legal advice and may no longer be accurate due to changes in the law. Consult NHMA's legal services or your municipal attorney.
Editor's Note: NHMA would like to recognize and acknowledge the significant foundational contributions of former Government Finance Advisor, Barbara T. Reid, in the development of this important advocacy publication.