employee retention

employee retention

Strengthen Your Workforce! In a Tight Labor Market, How to Attract and Retain the Best Employees!

The information contained in this article is not intended as legal advice and may no longer be accurate due to changes in the law. Consult NHMA's legal services or your municipal attorney.

Have you experienced challenges recently when trying to hire and retain quality employees? If so, you are not alone!

Ten Steps to Successful Succession Planning

The information contained in this article is not intended as legal advice and may no longer be accurate due to changes in the law. Consult NHMA’s legal services or your municipal attorney.

Exploring the Succession Planning Process

Planning for the future is never high on anyone’s list and oftentimes it’s why we get caught in a bind. It’s always easier to delay this discussion. But in our business, succession planning is essential to ensure the continued operation of our wastewater treatment facilities.