Land Use Boards

land use boards

2023 Land Use Law Conference Workshop (ZBA)

Program Agenda

9:00 am – Introduction

9:05 am – 10:20 am - The ZBA in NH
This session will provide a detailed look at the statutory responsibilities of the ZBA including appeals of administrative decisions, equitable waivers, special exceptions, and variances. This session will also provide an in-depth discussion of how the case law interprets the five variance criteria.  Time will be devoted to participant questions.
Chris Boldt, Esquire, DTC Lawyers

ZBA Basics

As a new volunteer member of your local Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA), you may not know where to start to learn about your new responsibilities. That's why NHMA is hosting a webinar designed specifically for new board members including a basic overview of the organization, powers, duties, and relevant statutory and case law authority to make your public service both more enjoyable and productive.

2022 Municipal Land Use Law Virtual Conference

9:00 – 9:10 Introduction (NHMA)

9:10 – 10:20

Housing Appeals Board Update

Established in 2020, the Housing Appeals Board is tasked by statue with hearing appeals from local land use board decisions concerning questions of housing and housing development. This session will provide a practical overview of the Board and its operations and will discuss several recent decisions.

Michael Klass, NH Housing Appeals Board Member

2022 Right-to-Know Hybrid Workshop for Meetings and Records

Join Legal Services Counsel Stephen Buckley and Municipal Services Counsel Jonathan Cowal  who will discuss the requirements for holding a proper public meeting, as well the exceptions to the meeting requirement (the so-called "non-meeting").  The attorneys will also address managing virtual public access and allowing public body members to participate remotely when their physical attendance is not reasonably practical.  Consideration will also be directed at preparing meeting minutes and facilitating public comment through meeting rules of procedure.