budget process

budget process

Budgeting for Impact: Factoring Inflation into the Budget Process Webinar

Today’s high and ever-increasing inflation rate may create uncertainty and have serious implications for municipal revenue and expenditures forecasting as local governments are under considerable pressure to relate their spending and taxation levels to cost inflation.

Join NHMA’s Government Finance Advisor, Katherine Heck and NHMA’s Government Affairs Counsel, Natch Greyes who will discuss these challenging fiscal conditions and offer strategies on how to prepare a municipal budget in the time of high inflation that can withstand the impacts of our current economic environment.

How We Fund Our Public Services in New Hampshire

The property tax system is the primary method of financing local governments in New Hampshire, while State tax revenues come from a wide variety of sources.  Unfortunately, New Hampshire’s tax system fails to meet at least two critical criteria for evaluating state tax systems – it neither generates revenue in an equitable manner nor does it yield an amount of revenue adequate for maintaining essential public services.