NHMA COVID-19 Timeline

The information contained in this article is not intended as legal advice and may no longer be accurate due to changes in the law. Consult NHMA's legal services or your municipal attorney.

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These are unprecedented and challenging times for cities and towns across New Hampshire and our nation.  NHMA is here for you.  NHMA board and staff are working to support our member municipalities by providing you with continually updated legal and operational guidance and the best information and advice available on the response to COVID-19. 



NHMA continues to advocate for cities and towns at the state and federal levels, asking questions about issues of concerns to local municipalities, and getting answers and guidance for members.  During this unprecedented time, NHMA staff stands ready to assist your city or town, connecting you to essential resources, information, and the latest news at www.nhmunicipal.org

In partnership with the Governor’s Office, our congressional delegation,  the New Hampshire Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration, the New Hampshire Department of Safety, Primex, HealthTrust, and federal agencies, NHMA continues to provide local officials the information need to protect their municipalities and operations.