The Association Management Services Program provides administrative, event management and financial services to NHMA affiliate groups. The program is designed to support our affiliate groups in their efforts to run strong organizations, freeing more of their time to focus on advancing their organizational mission. Across the country, state municipal leagues—like the New Hampshire Municipal Association—foster close relationships with their own affiliate organizations.
Who Can Participate?
Any organized group of local government professionals that is recognized by NHMA as an affiliate group may be eligible to participate in the Association Management Services Program. These services are provided through existing in-house resources and are available at the discretion of NHMA. Affiliate groups participating in the Association Management Services Program sign an agreement outlining commitment of both the group and NHMA. Groups participating in the program reimburse NHMA for direct costs such as postage and out-of-house printing.
For more information about the Association Management Service Program or to determine if your group may be eligible, please contact us at