Court Updates

Grandfathered Junkyard Must Comply with Licensing Requirements
Rockingham Superior Court, No. 218-2014-00597
Failure to Tax Some and Not All Entities Using a Municipality's Rights of Way Does Not Per Se Indicate Selective, Unconstitutional Real Estate Taxation
No. 2013-221
The Statute that Governs Junk and Scrap Metal Dealers, NH RSA Chapter 322, does not Preempt a City Ordinance that Requires Scrap Dealers to Prepare and Transmit Electronic Records and to Pay a Fifty-Cent Fee on Each Transaction.
No. 2013-357
Police Chief Who is Hired Under a Written Contract for a Two Year Term May Have His/Her Contract of Employment Terminated Without Being Provided Reasons for His/Her Termination and He/She is not Entitled to a Post-Termination Hearing in the Superior Court
No. 2013-594
Citizens do not Surrender their First Amendment Rights by Accepting Public Employment
No. 13-483, United States Supreme Court
If a Defendent has No Legal Duty to a Plaintiff, a Negligence Action Will Fail
No. 2013-206
Civil Immunity Granted to Ski Area Operators by Statute is Enforceable
No. 2013-258
Brief of the New Hampshire Municipal Association, as AMICI CURIAE
No. 2013-0885
Police Chief has Discretion to Determine who is a Suitable Person to be Issued a Pistol Permit
No. 2013-0360
Unemployment Compensation: Employee or Independent Contractor?
No. 2013-313
