Whether a Nonconforming Use is Lawful Depends Upon the Facts Existing at the Time the Change in the Zoning Ordinance Created the Nonconforming Use

Monadnock Rod and Gun Club v. Town of Peterborough

Practice Pointers: Whether a nonconforming use is lawful depends upon the facts existing at the time the change in the zoning ordinance created the nonconforming use. The burden to prove a lawful nonconforming use is on the party asserting that right.  Although RSA 156:26, I prohibits municipalities generally from regulating the sale, purchase, ownership, use and possession of firearms, it does not bar a town from regulating a shooting range under its zoning ordinance.  Although RSA 159-B:4 bars the retroactive application of local regulations to limit the scope of shooting activities at a shooting range, that protection is only afforded to a lawfully operated shooting range.