Paving Bid Request

The Town of Thornton is accepting bids for the following paving projects. A map describing the projects are available for pick up at the Thornton Town Hall during normal business hours, from the Road Agent or on the Town’s website on the Highway Department page.

Bids shall be submitted as follows:

Project 1:  Sugar Run Area: Overlay binder course installed in 2017 and resurface associated side roads.

·         Cost per ton to shim/overlay approximately 10,475 feet of road averaging 21 feet wide using a ½” inch wearing course that meets/exceeds NHDOT standards for quality compacted to 1.25” thick.

·         Cost per ton shall include tack coat per NHDOT standards and 2 ground joints.

Project 2: Lee Brook Road

·         Cost per ton to pave boxed out section approximately 200 feet long using a 3/4-inch single course winter binder that meets/exceeds NHDOT standards for quality compacted to 2” thick.

Project 3:  Sherburn Road: Shim and Overlay

·         Cost per ton to shim/overlay approximately 1200 feet of road averaging 21 feet wide using a ½” inch wearing course that meets/exceeds NHDOT standards for quality compacted to 1.25” thick.

·         Cost per ton shall include tack coat per NHDOT standards and 1 ground joint.

Project 3:  Transfer Station:

·         Fine grade, compact and pave approximately 5,850 square yards.

·         Cost per ton to pave said area using a 3/4-inch single course winter binder that meets/exceeds NHDOT standards for quality compacted to 3” thick.

Project 4: Municipal Parking lot extension:

·         Fine grade, compact and pave approximately 1,350 square yards.

·         Cost per ton to pave said area using a 3/4-inch single course winter binder that meets/exceeds NHDOT standards for quality compacted to 3” thick.

Scheduling details for estimated start/completion dates if awarded shall be noted in the bid as this may affect the Town’s decision.

Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope and labeled “2024 Paving - Attention: Town Administrator” and mailed or delivered to 16 Merrill Access Road, Thornton, New Hampshire 03285.

All bids must be received at the Thornton Town Hall no later than 3:00PM on Monday, May 13, 2024.

he bids will be opened at the Thornton Town Hall on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 2:00PM.

he award process is scheduled for 4:30 PM at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on May 15, 2024.

The Town reserves the right to reject any and all bids or award projects separately.

If any questions, please contact Road Agent John Kubik at 726-4546

Town of Thornton
Request for Proposal
Close Date: 
Monday, May 13, 2024