REGISTRATION OPEN: 2021 Right-to-Know Law Virtual Workshop for Law Enforcement
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Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - 9:00am to 12:00pm
2021 Right-to-Know Law Virtual Workshop for Law Enforcement
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Cost is $55.00
Join NHMA’s Legal Services Counsel Stephen Buckley and Municipal Services Counsel Natch Greyes who will share insights and strategies to assist law enforcement agencies in handling governmental record matters arising under the Right-to-Know Law.
The disclosure of police records is governed in part by the Right-to-Know Law and in part by rules imported from federal law under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). This workshop will answer many questions about withholding records compiled for law enforcement purposes when disclosure would interfere with enforcement proceedings or based on other FOIA factors.
Attention will also be paid to disclosure exemptions found in other New Hampshire statutes governing Body Worn Cameras, mo-tor vehicle records, gun licenses, police personnel records, and the retention of police records. Recent New Hampshire Supreme Court decisions on exemptions for internal personnel practices and personnel records will be addressed in detail. In addition, guidance will be provided on the retention of governmental records and how claims under the Right-to-Know Law are enforced.
Ashley Methot, Events Coordinator, 603.230.3340 or
Presented in:
Attendees will receive NHMA's digital publication, A Guide to Open Government: New Hampshire's Right-to-Know Law and the 2021 Supplement. Additional materials such as the PowerPoint presentation will also be distributed electronically. No print outs of the materials or hard copy of the publication will be provided. or
Presented in:
Attendees will receive NHMA's digital publication, A Guide to Open Government: New Hampshire's Right-to-Know Law and the 2021 Supplement. Additional materials such as the PowerPoint presentation will also be distributed electronically. No print outs of the materials or hard copy of the publication will be provided.