REGISTRATION OPEN: 2021 Code Enforcement Virtual Workshop

Thursday, May 20, 2021 - 9:00am to 12:00pm

9:00 am - 12:00 pm, Thursday, May 20, 2021

Cost:  $55.00


Building inspectors, code enforcement officers, fire chiefs, health inspectors, and various other municipal officials are responsible for the enforcement of a variety of codes, regulations, and ordinances related to the use of land. These include both local regulations, such as zoning ordinances, site plan and subdivision regulations, health regulations, and the conditions of approval that accompany many land use board approvals, as well as state law, such as the State Building and Fire Code and statutes governing junkyards.

Effectively enforcing these various codes and regulations can pose a challenge to municipalities. Join Attorneys Matt Serge and Christine Fillmore from the law firm of Drummond Woodsum, for this half-day virtual workshop which will provide municipal officials with practical guidance on how to navigate the nuanced procedures associated with code enforcement, as well as practical advice in pursuing an enforcement action against non-compliant property owners. Our legal experts will address some of the most difficult issues under the law, including junkyards, dilapidated buildings, and health codes.

There will be ample time for questions and answers on all aspects of the law.


 zoom logo This virtual workshop will be conducted via the Zoom platform.