Winter Maintenance Services-Town Parking Lots


“Winter Maintenance Services-Town Parking Lots”


 The town of Amherst, Department of Public Works seeks sealed bids from qualified bidders to enter an agreement with a contractor for “Winter Maintenance Services-Town Parking Lots”. This RFP is for plowing snow only. Treating the parking lots with salt, sand, and/or other winter chemicals is not part of this agreement. The Town desires to enter into a three-year agreement, with the option to extend the contract for an additional two years upon mutual agreement. The agreement will commence upon the execution of the agreement and continue through June 30, 2027, with an option to extend through June 30, 2029, upon mutual agreement.

The scope of this agreement will include the following work:

The contractor will be responsible for responding to emergency calls from the Town of Amherst Department of Public Works to assist with snow plowing services for Town parking lots during inclement winter weather events. Said services will be for the specific parking lots as specified in Attachment D, using the equipment identified in Attachment E. The scope of work, as well as Contractor and Town responsibilities, are described in Attachment C.

The Town of Amherst intends to award the work to the Contractor who is the most reasonable and responsible low Bidder; however, the Town reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids and to waive any informalities related to those Bids received if it deems one or more of those actions to be in the best interest of the Town of Amherst.

You may obtain Bidding documents on the Town of Amherst website at

Bids will be received at Town Hall, Town Administrators office, 2 Main St. Amherst, NH until 11:00AM on Friday, August 9, 2024. Shortly thereafter, bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in any available office or conference room at 2 Main St. Bids will be taken under advisement and award will be awarded by the Board of Selectmen at a regular board meeting.

Town of Amherst
Close Date: 
Friday, August 9, 2024