Spreader Hanger

Additional information can be found by clicking here 

The Town of Northfield invites interested vendors to submit a proposal to construct a sander hanger to be located at 147 Park St, Northfield.

All interested vendors may contact Stephanie Giovannucci at (603) 286-7039 or email sgiovannucci@northfieldnh.gov with any questions.  Final bids shall be mailed or delivered to the Town of Northfield 21 Summer Street Northfield NH 03276, marked “Sander Hanger” no later than 3:00 pm on Thursday, October 10, 2024.

The Town reserves the right to reject any and all bids that are deemed not to be in the best interest of the Town.


Scope of Work

7-bay spreader hanger structure

            Number of 6 Wheel Truck Bay __6__

            Number of 10 Wheel Truck Bay __1__

Construction plans provided, see attached

Location: 147 Park St, Northfield

Groundwork to be completed by the contractor

Removal of the old hanger is to be completed by the Town

Completion of Project:    60 calendar days for substantial completion from date specified in “Notice to Proceed”

                                    90 calendar days for final completion from date specified in “Notice to Proceed”

Liquidated damages will be in the amount of $200 for each calendar day from the date established for substantial completion, and $200 for each calendar day from the date established for final completion.

Town of Northfield
Close Date: 
Thursday, October 10, 2024