Exterior Painting Project

You are cordially invited to submit a proposal for the DEERING TOWN HALL WEST WALL EXTERIOR PAINTING PROJECT in accordance with the specifications, terms and conditions found in the Request for Proposals document. This project consists of the repair, scraping and painting of all wood surfaces on the West Wall and Town Hall. Prospective respondents are advised to read the information over carefully prior to submitting a proposal.

All sealed proposals/bids must be received in hand by 6:00pm on Tuesday, July 16, 2024.

To view the complete RFP and access the form, please visit the Deering Town website: https://www.deering.nh.us/home/pages/rfps-bids


All bids must provide a completed Bid Submission Form provided on our website, with support documents included.

Contact and Submittal Information

Questions Related to the Bid Request:                         

Meagen Kerris, Town Administrator                               

Town of Deering                                                                    

762 Deering Center Rd.                                                       

Deering, NH 03244

Tel: 603-464-7921 

Email:  administrator@deeringnh.gov

RFP/Bids Shall be Submitted To: 

Deering Board of Selectmen

762 Deering Center Rd.

Deering, NH 03244

Town of Deering
Request for Proposal
Close Date: 
Tuesday, July 16, 2024