Right to Know Law

The Right-to-Know Law and Public Meetings

Join Legal Services Counsel Stephen Buckley and Municipal Services Counsel Jonathan Cowal who will discuss the procedural and notice requirements for holding a proper public meeting, as well the exceptions to the meeting requirement (the so-called "non-meeting").  This webinar will also address public comment at public meeting and suggestions for establishing rules of procedure for public comment.

Right-to-Know: Public Meetings and Governmental Records Workshop

Join Legal Services Counsel Stephen Buckley and Municipal Services Counsel Jonathan Cowal  who will discuss the requirements for holding a proper public meeting, as well the exceptions to the meeting requirement (the so-called "non-meeting").  The attorneys will also address managing virtual public access and allowing public body members to participate remotely when their physical attendance is not reasonably practical.  Consideration will also be directed at preparing meeting minutes and facilitating public comment through meeting rules of procedure.

Right-to-Know Law: Public Meetings & Governmental Records

Join Legal Services Counsel Stephen Buckley and Municipal Services Counsel Jonathan Cowal  who will discuss the requirements for holding a proper public meeting, as well the exceptions to the meeting requirement (the so-called "non-meeting").  The attorneys will also address managing virtual public access and allowing public body members to participate remotely when their physical attendance is not reasonably practical.  Consideration will also be directed at preparing meeting minutes and facilitating public comment through meeting rules of procedure.

The Right-to-Know Ombudsman Is Here

The information contained in this article is not intended as legal advice and may no longer be accurate due to changes in the law. Consult NHMA’s legal services or your municipal attorney.

2023 Local Officials Hybrid Workshop (April 6)

NHMA is holding this FREE virtual workshop designed specifically for newly-elected (or appointed) as well as experienced municipal officials and employees of member municipalities.

Presented by NHMA's Legal Services attorneys, this complimentary virtual workshop provides municipal officials with the tools and information to effectively serve your communities.  Topics will include Governance & Select Board Authority, Right-to-Know Law – Records, Remedies and Meetings, Conflicts of Interest, Budgeting Essentials, and Land Use 101. 

Sunshine Week - March 12-18, 2023

 The information contained in this article is not intended as legal advice and may no longer be accurate due to changes in the law. Consult NHMA’s legal services or your municipal attorney.

 sunshine week

Did you know that when the United States signed the Freedom of Information Act into law in 1966, it was the third country in the world to do that?

Right-to-Know Law Workshop for Law Enforcement Workshop

Join NHMA’s Legal Services Counsel Stephen Buckley and Municipal Services Counsel Jonathan Cowal who will share insights and strategies to assist law enforcement agencies in handling governmental record requests arising under the RSA 91-A, the Right-to-Know Law.

2022 Right-to-Know Hybrid Workshop for Law Enforcement


Join NHMA’s Legal Services Counsel Stephen Buckley and Municipal Services Counsel Jonathan Cowal who will share insights and strategies to assist law enforcement agencies in handling governmental record requests arising under the RSA 91-A, the Right-to-Know Law. 

2022 Right-to-Know Hybrid Workshop for Law Enforcement


Join NHMA’s Legal Services Counsel Stephen Buckley and Municipal Services Counsel Jonathan Cowal who will share insights and strategies to assist law enforcement agencies in handling governmental record requests arising under the RSA 91-A, the Right-to-Know Law. 

2022 Right-to-Know Hybrid Workshop for Meetings and Records

Join Legal Services Counsel Stephen Buckley and Municipal Services Counsel Jonathan Cowal  who will discuss the requirements for holding a proper public meeting, as well the exceptions to the meeting requirement (the so-called "non-meeting").  The attorneys will also address managing virtual public access and allowing public body members to participate remotely when their physical attendance is not reasonably practical.  Consideration will also be directed at preparing meeting minutes and facilitating public comment through meeting rules of procedure. 
