New Course! The Academy for Good Governance (Cybersecurity for Elected Officials)

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm



Cybersecurity for Elected Officials (Virtual course-online)

How does cybersecurity impact local government? Can’t we just leave it to the “experts”? Why does this topic have anything to do with local elected officials? All these questions and more will be answered during this presentation. Join us to learn about how you can have a direct impact on your organization’s cybersecurity posture. We will review the most common cybersecurity threats facing New Hampshire local government as well as practical ways to defend against these threats. Finally, we will discuss free and low-cost resources you can access.

Presented by: Cori Casey. Risk Management Consultant, Primex; Jason Sgro, Senior Partner and Chief Strategist, ATOM ; and, Ken Weeks, Chief Information Security Officer, NH Department of InformationTechnology, State of New Hampshire

The Academy for Good Governance is a series of six courses, with a newly added seventh course, created by NHMA and Primex, exclusively for elected governing body members (select board, town council, city council, board of aldermen, school board, and village district commissioners). Courses are taught by experienced attorneys and staff from NHMA, Primex, HealthTrust, and the New Hampshire School Boards Association (NHSBA). Attendees will receive education and training intended to make them more knowledgeable and effective in their governing body roles.

Attendance at the Academy is free and open to governing body members from municipalities and school districts that are members of NHMA, Primex and NHSBA.

Attendees must attend all six courses to receive a Certificate of Completion.

If you have any questions related to attending The Academy this year, please call NHMA's Event Coordinator, Ashley Methot, at 603.230.3350 or email her at