The Academy for Good Governance – Class 4 - Understanding Employee Benefits

Wednesday, September 22, 2021 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm

Check out 2021 Academy Course Descriptions!

The Academy for Good Governance - Class #2 (Financial Responsibilities)

The Academy for Good Governance is a series of six courses created by the NH Municipal Association (NHMA) and Primex, exclusively for elected governing body members (select board, town council, city council, board of aldermen, school board, and village district commissioners).  Courses are taught by experienced attorneys and staff from NHMA, Primex, HealthTrust, and the New Hampshire School Boards Association (NHSBA).  Attendees will receive education and training intended to make them more knowledgeable and effective in their governing body roles.

Attendance at the Academy is free and open to governing body members from municipalities and school districts that are members of NHMA, Primex and NHSBA.  

Attendees must attend all six courses to receive a Certificate of Completion. 

Topics and Dates/Locations: 

All classes run 5:00 pm—7:00 pm.

  • Wednesday, September 22, 2021 - Virtual Course (online) Understanding Employee Benefits
  • Wednesday, October 6, 2021 - Virtual Course (online)
    Preventing Discrimination, Retaliation and Workplace Hostility in the Public Sector: The Essential Role of Good Governance
  • Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - Virtual Course (online)
    Managing Your Public Entity’s Liability Risk

COURSE MATERIAL: Attendees will receive all material electronically prior to each course.

QUESTIONS: Call Registrations at 603.224.7447 or email