REGISTRATION OPEN: 2024 Municipal Land Use Law Conference

Saturday, November 16, 2024 - 9:00am to 3:15pm


This workshop will be held in person only.   Attendance is limited to 200 people. There will be no virtual attendance option.

NHMA Member Registration Fees: $115.00
Non-member Registration Fees (state employees)*: $230.00
* Non-member attendance is limited to government officials who are not members of NHMA and not eligible to be members (schools and state agencies). If space is limited, priority will be given to NHMA members. Non-member village districts, counties, regional planning commissions, or other municipal entities interested in attending NHMA workshops can contact to learn about becoming a member. 


8:30 AM - Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00 AM - Welcome Remarks
Stephen Buckley, Legal Services Counsel, NH Municipal Association

9:05 AM – 9:50 AM - Keynote
The Honorable Michael A. Klass, NH Superior Court

9:50 AM – 10:15 AM - Morning Break

10:15 AM – 11:30 AM  (Concurrent Sessions)

Zoning 101
This presentation on Zoning 101 will go over the role and purpose of zoning here in the state of New Hampshire. It will cover the basic process of drafting and adopting zoning ordinances, as well as the role that zoning plays in the ability to use and regulate land.
Laura Spector Morgan, Esquire, Mitchell Municipal Group, P.A.
Joe Driscoll, Esquire, Mitchell Municipal Group, P.A.

Meeting Mechanics for Land Use Boards
Running an effective meeting is a challenge for every municipal board, but it is particularly important for land use boards to do it well. Not only do planning and zoning boards have to follow the requirements of RSA Chapter 91-A for public meetings, they also have to satisfy many statutory and constitutional requirements for the public hearings they hold during those meetings. Add in the heightened emotion that can be involved when an application is controversial, and you have the perfect recipe for a meeting to go off the rails. This session will provide an overview of the key legal requirements that apply and practical tips for running smooth, fair, and effective meetings and hearings.
C. Christine Johnston, Esquire, Drummond Woodsum & MacMahon
Matthew Serge, Esquire, Drummond Woodsum & MacMahon

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM - Lunch

12:30 PM – 1:45 PM - Concurrent Sessions

ZBA in New Hampshire
This session will provide a detailed look at the statutory responsibilities of the ZBA including appeals of administrative decisions, equitable waivers, special exceptions, and variances. This session will also provide an in-depth discussion of how the case law interprets the five variance criteria.  Time will be devoted to participant questions.
Chris Boldt, Esquire, Donahue Tucker Ciandella Lawyers

Planning Board Housekeeping
This session is designed to assist planning boards meet their legal requirements for: board organization and administration of board documents; processing applications; holding public hearings and meetings; determining completeness, including using checklists and addressing waiver requests; Third Party Review process; Technical Review Committee; zoning amendments and board responsibilities. This session will help planning boards keep their work organized. Beneficial for all board members looking for a refresher on board procedures as well as for boards without administrative assistance.
Stephanie N. Verdile, Housing Appeals Board Member, NH Housing Appeals Board

1:45 PM – 1:55 PM - Afternoon Break

1:55 PM – 3:10 PM - Concurrent Sessions

ZBA Decision-Making Process
This session will address zoning board processes, as opposed to the substance of zoning law. It will cover the application process, public hearings, board deliberations, consideration of expert evidence, drafting and voting on motions, notices of decision, conditions of approval, motions for rehearing, the role of legal counsel, and appeals to the superior court or Housing Appeals Board.
Cordell A. Johnston, Attorney at Law

How Can Your Community Become More Housing-Friendly?
Curious about the range of options for making your community more housing-friendly from tiny houses, ADUs, and cottage courts to age-friendly housing. mixed-use development and multi-family housing as well as new innovative planning techniques such as Pattern Zones? This session will provide a survey of housing-friendly zoning changes and planning tools that municipalities enacted in 2023 and 2024 based on the results of the Department of Business and Economic Affairs (BEA) Municipal Land Use Regulation Survey. Examples of developments which have already been proposed as a result of the zoning changes will be highlighted. Attendees will also learn about the 20 planning and zoning strategies in the New Hampshire Housing Toolbox.
Noah Hodgetts, Principal Planner, NH Department of Business & Economic Affairs, Office of Planning & Development
Alvina Snegach, Assistant Planner, NH Department of Business & Economic Affairs, Office of Planning & Development

3:10 PM - Conference Concludes

Pre-registration and payment is required.  You will be billed according to the pricing on the options you select at registration. If you wish to make changes, NHMA must be notified in writing at least 48 hours in advance. Refund of the full registration fee will be made if cancellation notification is received 48 hours in advance. Cancellation less than 48 hours in advance, including no-shows, will result in you being charged the full cost of the workshop.  

*Please be advised that photographs may be taken during the event for promotional and informational purposes. By attending, you consent to the use of your image in any such materials.

You must first login to NHMA’s new portal to register for the workshop. Check if you have a profile in our portal by following these login instructions.  Don’t have a login? Contact us at for more assistance.

Once you are logged in, follow these steps to register for the workshop.

Please email us at if you have trouble registering for an event, and send other questions to