RFQ Third Party Engineering Services

The Town of Lincoln is soliciting Statements of Qualifications from qualified engineering firms interested in providing professional third-party review and inspection services. Selected consultants will assist in reviewing subdivision and site plan applications for compliance with the Town of Lincoln’s Land Use Ordinance.  

 These services are funded by the project applicant; however, the Planning Board will be responsible for retaining them under RSA 676:4-b. The engineer(s) will need to provide a resume that shows they are Professional Engineers licensed in the State of New Hampshire and have a minimum of 5 years of engineering experience related to municipal technical review, planning, and design.  

 Additional areas of expertise to be included as part of the engineering services:

  • Technical Reviews
  • Site Plan/Subdivision Regulations
  • Public Presentations
  • Capital Improvements Plans
  • Master Plans
  • Roadway and Drainage Design
  • Municipal Sewer, Water & Stormwater Systems
  • Construction Documents
  • Miscellaneous Engineering and Planning Services
  • Traffic Engineering / Transportation Planning

 All engineering firms submitting Statements of Qualifications to this request shall include the following information:

 1. The name, address, and a brief history and description of your firm;

2. Resumes of key personnel and their proposed role to be assigned to this project;

3. Related projects/areas of expertise/experience, including the following:

a. Description of other projects designed by your firm similar to this project;

b. Include reference contact information;

4. Description of potential costs;

5. A brief description of your firm’s approach to planning, designing, and implementing the project;

6. Additionally, you may submit a maximum of one page of any additional information not covered above, which you feel may be useful.

 Sealed Statements of Qualifications shall contain one (1) original and six (6) copies of the requested information and will be received until 3:30 PM on Monday, December 2, 2024 at the Lincoln Town Offices, 148 Main Street, Lincoln, NH 03251. Submittals must be clearly marked “2024 RFQ Engineering Services ” on the outside of the submission. In addition, a digital copy should be emailed to tolassist@lincolnnh.gov.

 All inquiries for information should be addressed to Town Manager, Carina Park townmanager@lincolnnh.gov, and Planning Board Chairman, Jim Spanos jspanos2010@gmail.com.

 The selection process will include evaluating each submitting engineering firm’s statement of qualifications based on the engineering firm’s qualifications. The submitting engineering firms will be rated and shortlisted, and interviews will be conducted. The Town will negotiate with the top-rated engineering firm for a fee proposal for engineering services. If not mutually agreeable, the Town will entertain entering into a fee proposal from the second-rated engineering firm and so on until an agreement is reached. The Town reserves the right to discontinue the selection process at any time prior to awarding the contract. There will be no reimbursement to any engineering firm if the selection process is terminated.

 This request for Statements of Qualifications does not commit the Town to award a contract, to pay any costs incurred in preparing a response to this request, or to procure or contract for services and supplies. Costs incurred for preparing the Statements of Qualifications in response to this request shall be the sole responsibility of the engineering firm submitting. The Town reserves the right to reject any or all submittals, to waive technical or legal deficiencies, to cancel this Request in whole or in part, and to accept any submittal that it may deem to be in the best interest of the Town.

 The Town of Lincoln is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified Statements of Qualifications will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, creed, age, gender, or national origin. 

Town of Lincoln
Request for Qualifications
Close Date: 
Friday, November 29, 2024