Police Officer
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The Somersworth Police Department is searching for strong candidates to join our police force!
How can you become a Somersworth Police Officer?
Qualified applicants must have a high school diploma or GED, meet minimum requirements from the New Hampshire Police Standards and Training Council, have 20/20 corrected eyesight, a valid driver’s license, and be able to pass a physical fitness test. The requirements that you need to meet for the fitness test are posted online at the NH Police Standards & Training Council website at www.pstc.nh.gov.
The first step is to fill out a City of Somersworth employment application and submit it to our Human Resources Department. The application form is available at https://www.somersworthnh.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif1226/f/uploads/city_of_somersworth_application_for_employment_2020.pdf
Are you already a Certified Law Enforcement Officer?
If you are already a certified law enforcement officer, please feel free to contact us directly to learn more about our department and community.
For more information, contact Sergeant Erich Lutz at SPDRecruitment@Somersworthnh.gov or (603) 692-3131.
Individuals who successfully complete all phases of the application process may be considered for a position of employment.
The City of Somersworth Police Department has endless opportunities for Law Enforcement Officers. We are a community policing driven police department that prides ourselves with outreach programs and volunteering. We encourage our officers to develop close relationships with the public in all functions of police work.