best practices

2022 Local Officials Workshop (04.05.22)

Presented by NHMA's Legal Services attorneys, these complimentary virtual workshops provide municipal officials with the tools and information to effectively serve your communities. Topics will include the Right-to-Know Law, town governance, budget and finance, municipal roads, town meeting & warrant articles, running effective meetings, ethics, conflicts and more. This program will also include a presentation on hot topics pending before the New Hampshire State Legislature of concern to municipal officials. Ample time allowed for questions, answers, and discussion.

2022 Local Officials Workshop (04.05.22)

Presented by NHMA's Legal Services attorneys, these complimentary virtual workshops provide municipal officials with the tools and information to effectively serve your communities. Topics will include the Right-to-Know Law, town governance, budget and finance, municipal roads, town meeting & warrant articles, running effective meetings, ethics, conflicts and more. This program will also include a presentation on hot topics pending before the New Hampshire State Legislature of concern to municipal officials. Ample time allowed for questions, answers, and discussion.

2022 Local Officials Workshop (05.17.22)

Presented by NHMA's Legal Services attorneys, this complimentary virtual workshop provides municipal officials with the tools and information to effectively serve your communities.  Topics will include the Right-to-Know Law, town governance, budget and finance, municipal roads, town meeting & warrant articles, running effective meetings, ethics, conflicts and more.  This program will also include a presentation on hot topics pending before the New Hampshire State Legislature of concern to municipal officials.  Ample time allowed for questions, answers, and discussion.

2022 Local Officials Workshop (05.17.22)

Presented by NHMA's Legal Services attorneys, this complimentary virtual workshop provides municipal officials with the tools and information to effectively serve your communities. 

2022 A Hard Road to Travel Workshop

Join NHMA Legal Services Counsel Stephen Buckley and Municipal Services Counsel Jonathan Cowal for this year’s A Hard Road to Travel workshop and the debut of our first fully updated publication since 2015!

2022 A Hard Road to Travel Workshop

Join NHMA Legal Services Counsel Stephen Buckley and Municipal Services Counsel Jonathan Cowal for this year’s A Hard Road to Travel workshop and the debut of our first fully updated publication since 2015!

Investigations 101 Webinar

Allegations of employee misconduct are a serious matter especially when alleged against an employee of your city or town. To maintain community confidence in your municipal government, this situation requires a prompt, thorough, accurate and timely investigation.

Win with Water Campaign

The information contained in this article is not intended as legal advice and may no longer be accurate due to changes in the law. Consult NHMA's legal services or your municipal attorney.

Drinking Water - A Local and Beneficial Resource

In New Hampshire, public water is a very local affair, and your involvement is a great way to enhance your personal wellbeing and community connections.  This article demonstrates public water’s local nature, and how being involved with your water system can be as refreshing as a cold drink on a hot day.

TECH INSIGHTS: How to Best Leverage Your Municipality’s Social Media Accounts

The information contained in this article is not intended as legal advice and may no longer be accurate due to changes in the law. Consult NHMA's legal services or your municipal attorney.

Social media is one of the leading forms of communication in 2022, and there are many ways municipalities can leverage it to benefit residents. Whether you haven’t posted to your municipality’s page in a few years or are looking to improve your social media process that’s already in place, these tactics can help you make the best use of your social media accounts.

NLC REPORT: Leaders Who Authentically Embrace Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Believe These 8 Things

The information contained in this article is not intended as legal advice and may no longer be accurate due to changes in the law. Consult NHMA's legal services or your municipal attorney.
